From $0 to $5 million+: How to start and scale a successful peer-to-peer fundraising program

Presented by F&P Magazine

Join fundraising experts from Starlight Children’s Foundation, HomeMade Digital, and Raisely to learn how to start your first peer-to-peer campaign, and how to grow it into a successful, multi-year event.

This in-depth session will be packed with actionable insights for charities of all sizes, from three of Australia's most impactful thought-leaders in the peer-to-peer and digital fundraising space.

Areas you’ll get insight in

  • Considering launching a peer to peer fundraising campaign and want to get tips on how to run a successful first year.
  • Running an established event that has room to grow and you want to get to some tried and tested results-driven strategies to implement.
  • Ready to invest more in your peer-to-peer program and want to hear from experts in the field about how they have built P2P programs that raise millions of dollars each year.

How to start and scale a peer-to-peer campaign

Join Raisely's CEO, Tom, with guest speakers Denise Zlotowski, Community Fundraising Manager, Starlight Children's Foundation, and Meredith Dwyer GAICD, Digital Strategist, HomeMade Digital Australia.