
Webinar: Online fundraising during COVID-19

Raisely is an online fundraising platform for ambitious charities across the world. We empower thousands of charities across the world to take control of their revenue and improve the wellbeing of people and our planet.

One of the main ways we're helping charities fundraise during the COVID-19 pandemic is with two new, specialised templates. They're more comprehensive than our core templates, designed to get new online-only campaigns live quickly.

This Friday March 27 we're running a webinar to take you through them. If your charity has been affected by the crisis, we want to offer some tips on how you could get new fundraising campaigns online quickly – using these tools.

It's a short webinar, we'll talk for 30 minutes and then leave 15 minutes at the end for questions. In that time we will go through:

  • How to set up a virtual fitness challenge, and use our new template
  • How to create and optimise a rapid-response donation appeal
  • What to focus on when creating new campaigns quickly – how to find quick and easy wins

Most of all, we just want to make sure you're well prepared to fundraise during this time. We need charities stronger than ever.

Come along, but please register. Places are limited to 100 people.

Webinar recording is here.

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Tom Maitland
Tom Maitland
Melbourne, Australia

CEO/Co-founder at Raisely

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